• A photograph of tourists and a guide taken during a canoeing tour on Lake Mutanda in Western Uganda.
  • A photograph of Lake Mutanda and its dotted islands taken during a hiking tour around the Lake Mutanda area in Western Uganda.
  • A photograph of a tourist and her guide take during a Stand Up Paddle tour on Lake Mutanda in Western Uganda
  • A photograph of a tourist and a guide taken during a canoeing tour on Lake Mutanda in Western Uganda.
  • A photograph of a golden monkey taken during a nature hiking tour around Lake Mutanda in Western Uganda.
  • A photograph of Lake Mutanda and its dotted islands taken during a hiking tour around the Lake Mutanda area in Western Uganda.
  • An aerial photograph of the Sagitwe Caldera taken during a hiking tour in Kisoro district in Western Uganda
  • A photograph showing the view of the Volcanic Mountains - Muhavura, Gahinga and Sabinyo taken during a hiking tour in Kisoro district in Western Uganda
  • A photograph of Lake Mulehe taken during a hiking tour in Kisoro district in Western Uganda
  • A photograph of the Batwa indigineous people taken during the Batwa Experience in Western Uganda

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