Nanjing Hotel Kololo Kampala Uganda
Plot 31 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, Kampala, Kampala, Uganda, Central Region3 Star, 10-room Boutique hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues, close to Rugby Club. Check availability
Decide where to stay and what to do during your Uganda Holiday, Kenya Holiday, Rwanda Holiday, Tanzania Holiday. We will guide you to the best local hotels.
We also do packages with local inns and hotels, luxury hotel, mid luxury hotel to safe budget hotel.
3 Star, 10-room Boutique hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues, close to Rugby Club. Check availability
3 Star, 10 Room business hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues, Lake Victoria. Nightly rates from USD 50. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star, - Room Budget hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues, wedding and honeymoon offerings on close to Lake Victoria. Nightly rates from USD. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star,1 -Room boutique hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues and honeymoon offerings, close to Masindi Town. Nightly rates from USD. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3 Star,20 -Room Boutique Hotel, Business center, restaurant, meeting and event venues, close to Uganda Golf Club . Nightly rates from USD 175. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star, 30 Resort hotel, dining, swimming pool and close to Jinja City. Nightly rates from USD 55. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
5 Star, 236-Room business hotel, restaurant, meeting and event venues, close to Kampala City Center Check availability
2-Star, hotel, dining and close to Jinja City. Nightly rates from USD 55. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star,16 -Room luxury lodge, restaurants and swimming pool, close to Jinja City. Nightly rates from USD 55. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star, 44 Boutique hotel, dining, swimming pool and close to Jinja City. Nightly rates from USD 55. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485
3-Star, 32 room botanical hotel, dining, swimming pool and close to Jinja City. Nightly rates from USD 55. Check availability or call our African Safari specialist at +256-704-023-485